

Digital Platform Guiding Energy Management

Transform energy management with Enerify, which integrates energy consumption and production points to help optimize your energy portfolios.

Analyzing Energy with Enerify is Now Easier Than Ever

Veri Görselleştirmesi ile Verimli Enerji Analizleri

Efficient Energy Analysis with Data Visualization

By tracking energy production and consumption details, it enhances energy efficiency and simplifies optimizing operational costs. It provides easy analysis and management on the consumption side through detailed energy tracking.

Stratejik Planlama ve Tahmin

Strategic Planning and Forecasting

It supports optimizing strategic planning for future periods with monthly energy consumption forecasts. By determining energy costs in advance, it strengthens budget planning.

GES Mahsuplaşma ve Tüketim Fatura Kontrolü

Renewable Energy Credit (REC) Settlement and Consumption Invoice Control

It allows for the automated tracking of production-consumption reconciliation under scopes 5.1h, 5.1c, and 5.1ç. Through integration with EPİAŞ and OSOS, it assists in invoice controls on the consumption side.

Etkin İş ve Operasyon Yönetimi

Efficient Business and Operations Management

It enables quick resolution of energy system faults with an automated work order management system. Customizable checklists for periodic maintenance and repair operations support the reliability of your system. The task management system helps you manage your entire energy portfolio from a single platform, securing your energy investments.

Veri Görselleştirmesi ile Verimli Enerji Analizleri

Efficient Energy Analysis with Data Visualization

By tracking energy production and consumption details, it enhances energy efficiency and simplifies optimizing operational costs. It provides easy analysis and management on the consumption side through detailed energy tracking.

Stratejik Planlama ve Tahmin

Strategic Planning and Forecasting

It supports optimizing strategic planning for future periods with monthly energy consumption forecasts. By determining energy costs in advance, it strengthens budget planning.

GES Mahsuplaşma ve Tüketim Fatura Kontrolü

Renewable Energy Credit (REC) Settlement and Consumption Invoice Control

It allows for the automated tracking of production-consumption reconciliation under scopes 5.1h, 5.1c, and 5.1ç. Through integration with EPİAŞ and OSOS, it assists in invoice controls on the consumption side.

Etkin İş ve Operasyon Yönetimi

Efficient Business and Operations Management

It enables quick resolution of energy system faults with an automated work order management system. Customizable checklists for periodic maintenance and repair operations support the reliability of your system. The task management system helps you manage your entire energy portfolio from a single platform, securing your energy investments.

Track Energy with Enerify, Empower Management Everywhere Energy Exists

Yapay Zekâ ile Daha Yüksek Enerji Üretimi

Higher Energy Production with Artificial Intelligence

Otomatik Raporlama ve Veri Görselleştirme

Automatic Reporting and Data Visualization

Karar Destek Mekanizması

Decision Support Mechanism

Farklı Enerji Üretim Santrallerinin Tek Ekranda Takibi

Monitoring Different Energy Generation Plants on a Single Screen

İş Emri ile Operasyon Denetleme

Operation Monitoring with Work Orders

Görev Yönetimi ile Bakım Denetleme

Maintenance Inspection with Task Management

Fatura ve Üretim Kontrolü

Invoice and Production Control

Birleşik Enerji Üretim Santrallerinin Yönetilmesi

Integrated Management of Energy Generation Plants

Özelleştirilmiş Alarmlar ile Akıllı Uyarı Mekanizması

Smart Alert Mechanism with Customized Alarms

Reaktif Ceza Takibi ve Önlenmesi

Reactive Penalty Tracking and Prevention

Kırılımlı Enerji Tüketim İzleme ve Analiz

Breakdown Energy Consumption Monitoring and Analysis

Özelleştirilmiş Alarmlar ile Akıllı Uyarı Mekanizması

Smart Alert Mechanism with Customized Alarms

Enerji Tüketiminde Verimlilik Analizleri İçin Veri Görselleştirme

Data Visualization for Efficiency Analysis in Energy Consumption

Çoklu ve Dağıtık Tüketim Tesisleri İçin Verimlilik Kıyaslaması

Efficiency Comparison for Multiple and Distributed Consumption Facilities

Fatura ve Mahsuplaşma Kontrol Sistemi

Invoice and Reconciliation Control System

Aylık Enerji Tüketim Tahmini

Monthly Energy Consumption Forecasting

Otomatik Enerji Yönetim Raporlaması

Automatic Energy Management Reporting

Karbon Hesabı İçin Akıllı Entegrasyon

Smart Integration for Carbon Accounting

Birleşik Santral ve Tesis Veri Görselleştirmesi

Integrated Plant and Facility Data Visualization

Dağıtık Noktalarda Üretim ve Tüketim Mahsuplaştırması

Distributed Point-of-Production and Consumption Accounting

Fatura Kontrol ve Mahsuplaştırma

Invoice Control and Accounting

Üretim ve Tüketim Noktalarının Tek Bir Ekrandan İzlenmesi

Monitoring Production and Consumption Points from a Single Screen

Tüketilen Enerjiye Göre Üretilen Enerjiyi Kontrol Etme

Controlling Generated Energy Based on Consumed Energy

Karar Destek Mekanizması

Decision Support Mechanism

Üretim ve Tüketim Tesislerine Özel Raporlama

Site-Specific Reporting for Production and Consumption Facilities

Özelleştirilmiş Alarmlar ile Akıllı Uyarı Mekanizması

Intelligent Alert Mechanism with Customized Alarms

Dağıtık Tesisleri Birleştirme Özelliği

Distributed Facilities Consolidation Feature

Enerify Portal Features

Enerji Portföy Yönetimi

Energy Portfolio Management

All consumption and production data are easily accessible through portfolio, list, map, and key indicator table views. This enables quick access to real-time insights into the overall energy portfolio performance. Reconciliation control and facility energy performance benchmarking can be performed with ease.

Renklendirilmiş Tüketim Haritası

Colored Consumption Map

Enerify allows for the characterization of consumption breakdown on the colored consumption map. This way, energy consumption models are visualized more clearly by monitoring which devices consume more at what times.

İş Emri Yönetimi

Work Order Management

Through Work Order Management (WOM), you can record all activities performed at your power plant, analyze maintenance costs, and track Service Level Agreements (SLAs). With artificial intelligence integration, the estimated energy production loss from any outages is calculated, and metrics are recalculated.

Periyodik Bakım ve Onarım Kontrol Listeleri

Periodic Maintenance and Repair Checklists

Enerify’s task management feature facilitates systematic energy management by utilizing customized checklists for periodic maintenance and repair operations.

Özelleştirilebilir Sayfalar Arayüzü

Customizable Pages Interface

You can easily perform energy analyses with a detailed analysis graphics system that utilizes a term/formula infrastructure and has the capability of creating 4-axis graphs.

Envanter Yönetim Sistemi

An Inventory Management System

Inventory management is easily performed within the portal and stock tracking between facilities is carried out through the systems.

Enerify Mobile Application

Enerify Mobil Uygulama

Ease of Remote Management

Experience the ease of monitoring, analyzing, and remotely controlling your energy data from anywhere in the world through a mobile application.

User-Friendly Interface

It enables easy monitoring and management of the solar power plant through its user-friendly interface that simplifies complex operations.

Universal Compatibility

The Solarify app is designed to work seamlessly with the Solarify platform. With availability on both iOS and Android, it is accessible to a wide range of users.

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